Well Well Well, to begin with I am not quite sure about this hue and cry on Save our Tigers campaign. Icons from diversified fields come up on the TV Screen for 15 to 30 secs and keep gibbering "Just 1411 left". So what?. Is it enough just to pledge to your support and sit back quietly. Well i wonder what Dhoni and Bhutia have done apart from appearing on the screen, speaking up the pre written script. Realistically speaking I might not have much an idea about what they are actually doing but i would also like to question who all have?
We all very well know of the famous adage, "Prevention is better than cure". Just to add a tinge of my own thoughts to this , I would modify the above adage to " Be Pro Active and do not Post Mortem". By this i mean nothing against the current actions that are being done by the WWF and AIRCEL but i strongly believe whether all this being too little late for people to realise this and act promptly. Mostly by the time everyone realize the importance and act, who knows we might all have only 141 tigers left in the country.
So much is said about the campaign, but i dont see alot of places or forums or groups working towards this or rather people could be made aware of what is really going on. If i ask a lay man about the "Save our Tigers Campaign ", i could be in for a surprise for who knows it might sound like Greek or Latin to him. The other sad part of this story is the role of Indian Government, what have they done, well they might have come into picture once WWF seriously got involved into it. That was much more to save its face rather than any other thing majorly.
Well to be more precise the approach should have been entirely different. The Govt of India, WWF should have acted much earlier in order to have prevented this present situation. What could have been done was probably to have establish a relief mechanism to resolve or reduce the intensity of extinction and once that was done it would have been a much easier job for people to briefly explain on the relief mechanisms since the results of the implementation of is there for everyone to observer,analyze and contemplate. This shows not only the maturity of the way our government functions but boosts up the confidence amidst the people that these so called leaders are capable enough to handle emergency situations.
One good thing among all this probably for the government is that the campaign is not seriously taken by one of the state government, else they would go on a state wide protest assuming that its about saving some other tigers. As things roll out, only thing that every individual can do is to stop eating Brittania Tiger biscuts thinking that i could help in saving rapid extinction of tigers because thats how people might interpret the campaign without awareness or a real holistic value of this noble cause.
Needless to say, its the need of the hour to create sentience about this campaign and the expectations from individual without which this could be yet another conked out mission added to the long list of failures. "Necessity is the mother of invention" but looks like we are in search of the same before we try to innovate new ways of solving troubles.. I stumbled upon to recollect that we studied in our early school days that Tiger is (was) our National animal and going by the current state of affairs, it apparently appears as though the government has a task cut out to discover a new replacement...